Tips & Education

From the Eyes of Wisdom: Following God’s Plan: Bob and Ben

June 24th, 2024

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As we reflect on our journey and contemplate the paths ahead, moments of profound revelation and wisdom illuminate our souls. Join us as we embark on a spiritual voyage guided by the knowledge shared in the podcast [“From the Eyes of Wisdom: Following God’s Plan: Bob and Ben,”]( ‘From the Eyes of Wisdom: Following God’s Plan: Bob and Ben”) featuring the enlightening conversation between Bob and Ben.

A Testament to Faith

Bob tells us his story in the podcast. He didn’t have an easy childhood. When his mom passed away, his aunt raised him. But through it all, he found hope and purpose in his faith. Even when things got tough, Bob held on to his belief in God and became a preacher.

Navigating Life’s Crossroads

Many people, like Bob and Ben, stand on the precipice of new beginnings, confronted with choices that shape their lives. In the conversation between Bob and Ben, pursuing ministry or engineering mirrors the decisions many of us face in our lives. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, Bob’s counsel resonates with profound clarity:

  • Trust in God’s plan.
  • Remain steadfast in preparation.
  • Seek solace in the knowledge that God is with us during our journey.

Making Big Decisions: Trusting God’s Plan

Now, let’s think about the future. Like Ben, some may be facing big choices about what they want to do in their next season of life. Should they follow their passion for helping others like Bob and consider ministry? Or should they follow their interest in building things and pursue engineering? Whatever they choose, Bob’s advice is clear:

  • Trust in God’s plan.
  • Be ready for whatever comes along.
  • Know that God is always present.

Listen to From the Eyes of Wisdom

Join us as we listen to this episode of From the Eyes of Wisdom, and remember that life is full of surprises, but we don’t have to face them alone. By learning from Bob’s story, we can find comfort in knowing there’s a plan for each of us, even if we can’t see it yet. We can better understand how to navigate life’s ups and downs with faith, courage, and a little wisdom from God.

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What People Are Saying …

I would like to commend Cristwood Park staff on their efforts to protect themselves and their residents from COVID. It’s been a concern of ours since last March and we have been relieved to see so few cases in the Cristwood Park community. I would like to thank the staff and leadership for their diligence in maintaining good protocols throughout this pandemic.

CWP Family Member

CRISTA has been a warm, friendly atmosphere to be a part of these past two years. It encourages friendships that encourage a pleasant living environment.

Marty Victor, CWP

Exceptional personalized holistic care. Helps keep Mom’s mind active and she flourishes with the nurturing care. Especially of value currently given the COVID restrictions. We are genuinely pleased with our mom's care.

Resident's Daughter, Memory Care

Thinking back on all the great care you and your team have given her at CRISTA, we thank you for all that. I am sure it made a difference in the quality of her life.

I appreciate the personal relationship I have with the staff and the good communication they give me.

I am so stunned by all the amazing people who live at CRISTA. The depth of their stories, their experiences are so powerful. They are fascinating and I learn something new every day! Such a wealth of intellect, experiences, and fun loving people. I love living here.

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